May 16, 2011

Prune Puree: my baby constipation cure

Here it is again - sadly not in all its glory and slightly less witty. This baby food recipe takes only 10 minutes. You end up with prune puree and prune juice (if you're lucky a happy baby and a dirty diaper too).

Prune Puree

8 pitted prunes
1 1/2 cups water

Cooking Instructions:
- in a small sauce pan over medium-high heat, bring prunes and water to a boil.
- reduce heat to low and simmer until tender, 8-10 minutes.
- remove from heat, reserve cooking liquid.

- puree prunes in food processor until smooth.
- add cooking liquid to thin the puree to the consistency your baby can handle.

- strain and dilute the remainder of cooking liquid to use as juice.

Our little guy was a little iffy about the puree at first, but he loved the juice right away! Plus the prunes delivered in the diaper department like promised. We all loved that part. :)

Whether you use the cooking liquid as juice or just to thin the puree, do not throw it out; lots of the Iron and Vitamin C that prunes are known for are in the juice. Also, make sure you buy dried fruits that are naturally sun-dried; you don't want anything that was treated with sulfur dioxide or paraffin. Happy pureeing!

Let us know how your baby ends up liking prunes. Or maybe you have another constipation cure; share it here!


  1. thank you for sharing! my LO was constipating for several days, the water and the puree worked withing couple of hours!!!

  2. 351B3DDC7ATaliaECA3008711Sunday, December 29, 2024

    ucuz takipçi
