June 8, 2011

Sunburn Cure

Summertime is upon us. Bring on the watermelon, bare feet, warm nights, lightning bugs, and sweet tea - Oh, yeah, and the sun! You really can't beat a day in the water on a hot summer's afternoon. But, along with those delicious rays (if you're like us) comes the burn afterward. Any other families blessed with that try-like-heck-to-tan-but-always-burn-instead gene?

Well, I stumbled across this little sunburn remedy while catching up in the blog world after our Big Ol' Texas sized road trip. Relief from your burn can be found in your kitchen cabinet: Vinegar.

Here's how to take care of those Lobster Red shoulders:

1) Gather some rags, vinegar and a tub/bucket.
2) Pour a bit of vinegar into the tub, then saturate the rags.
3) Squeeze out the excess moisture – not all of it, though – just enough to keep the rags from dripping.  You want them to still be a bit heavy with moisture.
4) Lay the rags across the sunburned area.
5) Wait for 15 minutes, minimum – more like 30.
6) Remove the rags and take a cool shower/rinse off the vinegar.

 A shout out to Deezahoney, another fair skinned blogger for this summertime home remedy. She suggests getting those smelly vinegar soaked rags on yo body ASAP - the Vinegar works its magic best on the first day of your sunburn.

Happy Tanning, y'all!

Any other secret solutions to beating the never welcome sun burn? Maybe a trick to avoid peeling? I'm an aloe/cool shower gal myself, but Vinegar is sounding like it might do the trick too. Heck, double team that sunburn - do both! :)

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